Evernote help phone number
Evernote help phone number

evernote help phone number

Libin says Evernote will hold what is, for the company, an unusually long beta period for the business product. Dedicated support: For the first time, Evernote will be offering phone support, and each Business customer will have a dedicated “Customer Success Manager.”.Libin says this kind of sharing is “what makes your whole business smarter.”

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Business sharing: You will be able to publish content to a directory that’s viewable by everyone in your company.Apps that integrate with Evernote will be updated to reflect these new data ownership rules. Data ownership: Who owns the data created in Evernote Business? Libin says that the company settled on a “kindergarten playground solution - what’s mine is mine, what’s yours is yours.” So anything an employee stores in their private notebooks still belongs to them, while anything created in a shared company or team notebook belongs to the company.There will also be tools that help people auto-register and join their relevant business groups. Very easy on-boarding: Every employee’s Evernote Business account can be connected to a personal account, and those personal accounts are automatically upgraded to Evernote Premium.He says the product was built with four big principles in mind: Libin describes Evernote as your “external brain”, and he says Evernote Business should serve as the external brain for your company. Evernote CEO Phil Libin just announced a new product aimed at small- and medium-sized companies (or small- and medium-sized teams within large enterprises) - appropriately, it’s called Evernote Business.

Evernote help phone number